So, Florida has the most unprovoked shark attacks in the U.S. This bothers me on many levels. The first: I live in Florida and swim in the gulf quite often. Second, sharks are scary. I don't mean scary like the woman across the street who weighs 300 lbs. and wears pea-green hot pants scary either. I mean scary like, "Oh, shit! I'm going to die!" Seriously. Frightening.
O.K. I admit I'm stating the obvious today. Everyone knows sharks are scary. Der.
What else is going on... Well, they installed the tile in our house today AND they were about to install the cabinets when we left. It is pretty. Sadly, it is all earth tone. We kinda' went beige to play it safe. One of these days, we are going to go all out and do something wild. We'll get GREEN tile! Yes! Crazy, green tile! Then, we'll be living on the edge!
We also decided to get an outdoor pool table, a poker table for B's room and a pretty marble-top bar. Basically, the house is going to look like some sort of Man Cave. Nothing wrong with that, really.
Have a lovely Saturday, folks!