Thursday, September 01, 2005


I don’t understand our government’s response to this situation. Why didn’t our president end his vacation before the hurricane hit and rally some sort of evacuation effort for people without means? You can prevent tragedy, not just clean up after it. While the hurricane was chugging up the gulf toward some of the poorest states in the union, what were our governing officials doing? Are they so out of touch with the people that they didn’t realize many folks didn't have the means to leave? Worse yet, did they realize people didn’t have the means to leave and didn’t act?
Some people are calling this event "our tsunami". When the tsunami hit South-East Asia, they had no warning. We knew the hurricane was coming days ahead of time, and we didn’t help those in need get out of Katrina’s way. This event is much worse than the tsunami, because we could have done something more to get people out of the way and we didn't. We have much to be ashamed of.

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