Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Loki, who is asleep on my lap, is snoring delicately as I type away. I had no idea snoring could sound so cute. I just finished my morning latte and am considering sitting down and writing. Sadly, I cannot write without music, so... that means I'll have to figure out where the heck I put my iPod. I'm not sure why I have such a hard time typing when The Pixies demonic howl isn't blasting from speakers. It would seem that silence would offer a golden opportunity for the creative process to, ya' know, get creative. Silence doesn't work for me. I need noise. The chatter of a coffee house, the white noise of the television or music in the background. It jump starts the synapses and -- Presto! Writing happens.

Other than that, I'll be doing laundry, cooking and maybe baking some cookies for the new neighbors who moved in last weekend. Wish me luck.

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