God, I want these dogs.
It isn't that I burn flags on a daily basis or anything, cause, I don't. Not all the time, anyway. But, what if I need to? I can't think of many reasons I'd actually HAVE to burn a flag, but let's go out on a limb and say American politicians begin to pass crazy-ass laws forbidding the people of this great nation to act out their constitutional rights and we end up in some sort of Orwellian society where gays can't marry, women can't decide whether or not they want to have a child and we are ordered/shamed by our government into embracing and fighting for "freedom" and "democracy" without actually HAVING any freedom or democracy? What then? Would I be forced to burn a flag in order to bring certain light to the fact that the flag is a symbol of a country that extols freedom but doesn't actually want their people to be free?
I think I would, my friend. Oh, yes! I think I would.