Thursday, July 14, 2005

So. Damn. Cute.

I'm trying to talk B into purchasing two Teacup Yorkies. They weigh less than 7 lbs. each, and are adorable. I want one so badly, I can taste it, and it tastes sweet, my friend. Very. Sweet. I want to get two so they can play with each other, but more so for the comedic value. Imagine, if you will, this: B is standing at the sliding patio door. Company is over. He goes to the door and calls the dogs in. Here is the kicker -- the dogs names are Itty and Bitty. Yes, my big, growly husband calling the tiny yorkies inside will provide me with years, and years of snickering.

God, I want these dogs.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Home Run Derby

B is watching the home run derby while I think of all the other things I'd like to view on T.V. For instance, I'd rather watch... ANY. THING. ELSE. Yes, I hate baseball. According to my husband, there is some sort of strategy to everything in this game. When a batter steps out of the box to tap his shoes with the bat, he is really attempting to break the pitcher's grove-thing by stalling. And, when a pitcher scratches himself and pretends he is going to throw the runner out at first, it is another stalling attempt to mess with the batter's rhythm.

Whatever. I don't care. What I do care about is South Park, which is on right now. I could be watching Kenny get killed yet again, but no! B has to watch his damn baseball.

Stupid boring sports messing up my television viewing.

Friday, July 08, 2005

No More Flag Burning?

It isn't that I burn flags on a daily basis or anything, cause, I don't. Not all the time, anyway. But, what if I need to? I can't think of many reasons I'd actually HAVE to burn a flag, but let's go out on a limb and say American politicians begin to pass crazy-ass laws forbidding the people of this great nation to act out their constitutional rights and we end up in some sort of Orwellian society where gays can't marry, women can't decide whether or not they want to have a child and we are ordered/shamed by our government into embracing and fighting for "freedom" and "democracy" without actually HAVING any freedom or democracy? What then? Would I be forced to burn a flag in order to bring certain light to the fact that the flag is a symbol of a country that extols freedom but doesn't actually want their people to be free?

I think I would, my friend. Oh, yes! I think I would.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Hurricane Mode

Yup, it is that time again. Luckily, B got insurance for the house last week, as they stop selling home insurance when there is a tropical imminent (within 800 miles), it won't go into effect within 30 days. Imminent means the tropical depression has been recognized by the NOAA. B is the bomb, dude.

In other news, Centex installed our wood flooring Saturday! Squee! So far, the cabinets are in the kitchen and bathrooms and they are so pretty. They are called: Spice with Mocha Glaze, Rushmore Maple Square. The tile is all in and they will be putting the stucco finish on the outside next week. I hope to God the storms coming in don't impact our move in time, which will be the first week of August.

Gah. I'm so excited.

Hopefully, we'll remember to bring a camera and post pictures next week. Miss y'all!