Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Home Run Derby

B is watching the home run derby while I think of all the other things I'd like to view on T.V. For instance, I'd rather watch... ANY. THING. ELSE. Yes, I hate baseball. According to my husband, there is some sort of strategy to everything in this game. When a batter steps out of the box to tap his shoes with the bat, he is really attempting to break the pitcher's grove-thing by stalling. And, when a pitcher scratches himself and pretends he is going to throw the runner out at first, it is another stalling attempt to mess with the batter's rhythm.

Whatever. I don't care. What I do care about is South Park, which is on right now. I could be watching Kenny get killed yet again, but no! B has to watch his damn baseball.

Stupid boring sports messing up my television viewing.

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